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“Enriching Lives Through Better Personal Care”

Environmental Sustainability

Environmental sustainability is a focal interest for Eva Cosmetics that the selection Eva Cosmetics green logo color was not a random decision. However, it was a company’s vision towards environmental sustainability; to preserve the environment and nature.

Eva Cosmetics is committed to meet the human needs without undermining the stability of the natural system. So, it established a sustainability strategy to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

We have developed, implemented and maintained a strong environmental management system to proactively manage our environmental impact across all activities to the minimal levels.

Eva Cosmtics identified 6 areas to improve the environmental sustainability as follows:

Green Space

Green Space

Water Manegement

Water Manegement

Renewable Clean Energy

Renewable Clean Energy

Energy Management & Greenhouse gas reduction

Energy Management & Greenhouse gas reduction

Influence on our community

Influence on our community

Waste Management

Waste Management

Human Sustainability

Since its foundation, EVA Cosmetics has been governed by integrity, honesty, fair treatment and full compliance with all laws & regulations. Our code of conduct specifies and helps the continued implementation of the company’s principles by establishing certain non-negotiable minimum standards of behavior.

We are committed to creating a safe and fair working environment for all employees through endorsing and implementing core values into our culture.

Respect and Diversity

Respect and Diversity

Compliance with Laws

Compliance with Laws

Human Treatment

Human Treatment

Child Labor

Child Labor

Working Conditions

Working Conditions