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“Enriching Lives Through Better Personal Care”

Procedures And Guidelines For The Prevention Of COVID-19 – For Eva Cosmetics Factory Staff

With the announcement of the Ministry of Health (MOH) warnings of the spread of Corona virus in the country,
Eva Cosmetics management was keen to follow the announced safety and precaution guidelines, by settings of preventive measures represented in the following

  • Sanitizing staff & visitor’s shoes by passing on a special sanitizing mat at the entrance of the company, Hand Sanitizers, PPE & thermometer at Eva’s entrance for the staff safety when entering the factory for all employees and visitors.
  • Sanitizing Floors, laboratory benches, production lines, machines and glass surfaces on a periodically basis with the designated sterilizing liquid.
  • Car seats and company car handles are sanitized daily and its windows open limiting air conditioning use.
  • An hourly basis changing plastic bags are placed on the door handles to prevent infection.
  • Supplying all factory bathrooms with liquid soap & tissues on regular basis.
  • Additional tissues were distributed to all offices.
  • The factory’s nursery was closed (temporarily) in the interest of the health of children, their families and workers.
  • Moving cafeteria to open air locations for all employees.
  • Meals were replaced with dry meals to avoid transmitting any infection.
  • Glass beverage cups, plates, and cutlery have been replaced with single-use plastic or paper materials.
  • Meetings, training, and interviews to be conducted virtually.
  • Training courses have been postponed.
  • The temperature is measured daily if symptoms of overheating appear for any individual above 37.5 taking an action to leave work.
  • Distributing Sanitizers 70% alcohol to all factory staff.
  • Posters were placed to raise awareness of the dangers of the disease in all areas of the factory.
  • Submitting regular awareness e-mails to all of our staff.