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“Enriching Lives Through Better Personal Care”

Employee Initiatives

Blue Collars Annual Development Program

Improvement and development for our Blue Collars are in our culture, providing Annual Development Programs for our workers to boost their skills, capabilities and morale.

Also to motivate our workers to do their best and feel motivated and satisfied.

Staff Engagement

Our people are our assets, providing a healthy work environment and making employees engagement activities are our valuable culture. Caring about our staff mental health, satisfaction and always providing them with different activities, celebrating employees’ birthdays, open days, celebrating the national and social holidays and special days like “mother’s day, Valentine’s Day … etc.

All these activities are held with the aim of boosting their energy, morale and satisfaction.

Breast Cancer Awareness

“Once I overcame breast cancer, I wasn’t afraid of anything anymore.”

Our women empowerment spirit is our motive to care and spread the awareness and supporting women in their lives, inspiring and guiding them to overcome hard times.

That is why we conduct regular awareness sessions covering various topics related to their health and more specifically, breast cancer